Creative Writing Tutorials

Conflict is the barrier(s) blocking a character's goals, in turn, creating drama. It can be internal or external.

The most effective kind is between characters with opposing goals which can be countered or confronted. "Bad luck" is less effective.

Related Articles: Scene by Scene, Creating Interesting Characters


Planting a Question

Conflict plants a question in the reader's mind. It can also create or heighten suspense.

  • Will she escape the avalanche?
  • Will he find more paper for his printer before the deadline?
  • Will she make a good impression on the in-laws?

The question should be answered with more conflict at the end of a scene, such as a setback or turning point of some kind.

Related Articles: Scene by Scene

Types of Conflict

Character vs. Self

This is internal conflict, when the main character in the story has a problem with him/herself. This could be a character who needs to convince him/herself that he/she can achieve a dream, or maybe the character just needs to build self-confidence.

Character vs. Character

This is external conflict between two characters.

An example is the hero's conflicts with the villain, which may play a large role in the plot and contribute to change in the characters.

There are usually multiple arguments/disagreements before the climax is reached.

Character vs. Society

This is where the main source of conflict is social traditions or concepts. The two parties are the protagonist and the society of which the protagonist is included.

Society itself is looked on as single character, such as a villian in "Character vs. Character". An example would be a woman challenging the social status of women in the 1920s, or a princess who does not want to be married.

Character vs. Nature

This places a character against forces of nature.

Disaster films focus on this theme, which is also predominant within many survival stories.

It is also strong in stories about struggling for survival in remote locales, such as the novel Hatchet or Jack London's short story "To Build a Fire". Also A Separate Peace is a good example with Leper not wanting to jump out of the tree.

Character vs. Supernatural

Supernatural could be ghosts, monsters, demons, etc. This could be a group of characters against something not considered normal, such as vampire hunters chasing a group of rabid vampires.

Character vs. Machine/Technology

This places a character against robot forces with "artificial intelligence". A good example would be the Terminator movies.

Character vs. Destiny/.fuck fuck u bomb ass bitch

Conflict in Dialogue

